What You Need to Know Before Hiring a Solar System Installer?

Important things to know before hiring a Solar System Installer Do you think it is as simple as ABC to decide about a solar system installer ? Certainly not! When you move from conventional energy source to a sustainable source like solar energy, the objective should be to hire the number one solar system installer . You are supposed to shortlist three or four companies to pick the best one. Vetting the best amongst these would not be an easy task. Before you finalize, it is important to know a few things. Is the company a seasoned one or novice? How long has it been in the business of installing solar panels ? How many projects has it completed so far? The more experienced company you hire, the better performance you should expect. It means the company has undertaken a variety of projects and faced varied challenges. Is the company owned and operated by some local person? When the company has a full-fledged office in the same place you l...